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Monday, 15 August 2011

Soul Healing : Mind, Body and Soul

The Mind wanders if it is not at peace.  There can be various reasons for this. Maybe you wish for a life and not been able to achieve it. We are living in a life when getting 5 minutes of peace seems to be a difficult task indeed.

Life is not busy at all, in fact, we are making it busier that what it feels. When we were young, we are quite pure and there were lot of ways through which we used to attain the happiness that we require. As we grew old, life became complicated for us and we started blaming everyone around for it and often start to live in the past. We ignore the present where things are to be done. Today, we go through problems and seem to be at loss to find a solution for it. Why? It is because that our mind is not free from thoughts and there are million things that are going around in our head. We are hurt, we are sad, we want everything to end soon, and fail to find a remedy. We have to heal ourselves and our health by following the positive road where only good and benevolent thoughts exist. We have to connect with ourselves and look back upon our lives in order to find the true meaning of our existence. Find the right way to heal your Body, Mind and Soul, only then, we can emerge victorious from all our miseries and our numerous imaginary health problems.

It starts with the mind and ends with the mind as well. You can heal your body, if you only you thought the right way. Detach yourself with the monotonous buzz of life and find your true calling.

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