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Monday, 15 August 2011

Importance of Foreplay!

Even till today many couple do not understand the importance of Foreplay before sexual intercourse, and many lack the knowledge as to how foreplay is done. Foreplay plays a very important role while having sex, it not only arouses the partner sexually but also the helps in a strong bonding between the couple during the time of sex. Foreplay is an art and one needs to develop this skill if they want their sexual life to be interesting and long lasting.

For many men, sex is just all about penetration which is not right. Men need to understand that their female partner judge a man’s sex skill by the way he performs foreplay. Foreplay can be started by anything like a warm kiss, fondling, cuddling, performing oral sex, a little nibble on her ear or anything which makes her to react sexually. Various survey conducted across the globe also reveals that women tend to have multiple orgasm during foreplay itself and what better than a women having multiple orgasm? Many women need prolonged stimulation in order to achieve a complete arousal and foreplay is the best thing to do.

Foreplay is all about pressing the right button at the right time. It’s all about knowing what makes his partner hot and make her achieve and experience ultimate pleasure. There is no specific way to do foreplay but instead one should know that for a woman sex starts from her brains. Even few erotic words praising her body can make her feel wonderful and boost her confidence. This would ultimately lead her to a strong sex drive and a lot of excitement to proceed further. If a person has problems like Erectile Dysfunction he can indulge his partner in foreplay till the impotence cure pill like Generic Viagra shows its effects.

So foreplay helps boost the sexual intimacy between you and your partner. So the next time don’t miss on it.

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